How Much Do You Know About the Cloud?

Published: 14 March 2013

According to the latest research, 14% of respondents admitted they pretended to know what Cloud Computing was in a job interview (Citrix Cloud Survey Guide, 2013).

Still not sure what the Cloud actually is?

Simply, the Cloud, or Cloud Computing, is the process of virtually storing data with a 3rd party organisation, such as Xperience, and made accessible via the internet. Data can mean anything from emails, customer information, CRM databases or even complex accounting information, up to entire IT Infrastructures solutions can be replicated in the Cloud.

Iain O’Kane, Managing Director of Xperience, commented on these statistics, stating “Any new technology can bring with it concerns, especially when its premise might seem confusing. To ensure the Cloud works effectively, it needs to be easy to understand and use. Xperience’s in house Cloud experts can ensure complete Cloud clarity, helping users to develop their technology and services, without being lost in the technical details“

The Cloud can support multiple business needs, from increased data security and improved accessibility to reduced need for in-house IT expertise. A Cloud Computing solution can help businesses move to thin client computing, minimising the outlay for hardware overtime. The possibilities are endless…

Read more about Cloud Computing Solutions available from Xperience, here.

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