In a series of blog posts we’re helping to debunk the common myths which surround cloud computing.

One of the most common beliefs is that moving to the cloud exposes you to greater risk – in terms of data security and control. As a business, data is your most valuable asset, so it’s understandable you want to protect it. The amount of cyber-attacks on corporate users rose six fold from 27,000 in 2015 to 158,000 in 2016, according to Security Week, so it’s not surprising that businesses are being more cautious when it comes to their data.

Typically businesses prefer to keep their data close by, where they can keep an eye on it. But, did you know that on premise servers are exposed to risks (if not greater risk than those in the cloud)? You don’t need to only consider cyber-crime, what about internal threats or disasters… So, it may be time for you to question, is my data really safer on premise?

How secure is my data in the cloud?

Your data is always secure in the cloud because cloud providers eat, sleep and breathe security, with huge amounts of money heavily invested into security measures. Their data centres are built to withstand natural disasters and are patrolled by security guards, as well as offering additional protection such as resilience and redundancy. So should you be a victim of cyber-crime, or in the event of a disaster, you know your data is in safe hands.

With cloud security spending at a scale of great magnitude, it’s safe to say these levels of security could not be matched on the budgets of most businesses. So while cloud computing is perceived as less secure, this is more of a trust issue rather than being based on any reasonable analysis of actual security capabilities. Here we highlight some of the security benefits of storing your data in the cloud…

What happens if disaster strikes?

With an increase in online cyber-attacks recently, businesses are more at risk than ever before. The Cloud Industry Forum explains that concerns over security are unfounded, with research highlighting that only 2% of organisations using cloud services had experienced a breach. For many businesses the offsite back-up services that come with the cloud are extremely compelling.

By investing in cloud, you benefit from the ability to create regular off-site backups of your important business data. You’re probably thinking, ‘But can’t I back-up my data safely, on premise too?’ Yes you can, BUT what would happen in the event of a disaster (this could mean human error or natural disaster such as fire or flood)? You’ve guessed it, your data becomes vulnerable! Surprisingly only 35% of small businesses have disaster recovery plans in place, so why not sleep easy in knowing your data is safe, secure and backed-up in the Cloud?

Unrivalled compliance

The level of compliance of a data centre is one of the many reasons businesses choose to move to the cloud. So, if the nature of your business means that you handle sensitive customer information, you can be confident in the knowledge that the security compliance associated with the cloud, is of the highest industry standards. Not to mention, your clients will feel safer, in knowing their confidential information is secure.

When choosing a Cloud provider, it is worth while checking whether they are ISO compliance certified (an internationally recognised certification, which highlights best practice in security management). To become ISO compliant and maintain their certification, cloud providers undergo audits by an accredited third party. This can be reassuring to data centre customers to know that the cloud provides the most reliable and quality service possible, unprecedented by any on premise solution.

Maintain control over your data in the Cloud

Are you concerned that when you migrate to the cloud you won’t have as much control over your data?  The common misconception is that you have more control over your data on premise, where you can keep an eye on it, however the opposite is true.

Moving to the cloud allows you to have 100% control over your data and the security that protects it. You will still have access to your data 24/7 365 days a year. You can work with your cloud provider to build and manage your infrastructure through a single pane of glass. In a nutshell. Cloud gives you just as much control, it’s just different to on premise.

Customer Insight

Ratio Vending (an Xperience Group customer) are benefiting from he extra layers of security and resilience that the Cloud brings and have commented that “the additional benefit of knowing that everything is automatically backed up off site, something that would prove invaluable in the event of a disaster.”

The cloud isn’t ideal for all businesses, but even if you don’t move your entire infrastructure to the cloud its likely you will benefit from some cloud services. By identifying your organisations vulnerabilities and security risks, you’ll be better equipped to decide on a cloud security solution that meets your business needs.

Talk to us about Cloud Security today

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