CryptoLocker: How to Protect your Business

Published: 8 November 2016

A report published by Threat Metrix this week shows a 40% increase in cyber-crime for Q3 of this year. With earlier reports by the Annual Fraud Indicator highlighting that cybercrime is costing businesses around £193 billion per year, it’s essential that you know what to look out for and how to remain protected.

With a new strain of CryptoLocker in circulation, here’s what you should know:

What you need to know

The latest variant of CryptoLocker is being distributed via (but not limited to) email and is known to contain Windows Executables, VBS files or compressed archives (ZIP files etc.) Once the file is downloaded, your machine begins encrypting files and demands a ransom payment (ranging from several hundred to several thousand pounds) in Bitcoin to decrypt the files.

How to ensure your business is protected

To minimise the risk of a cyber attack on your business, it is recommended that you take precautions when browsing the web and handling newly received emails. Xperience Group have complied a checklist of steps to ensure you remain protected:

  1. Don’t trust attachments, even ones that originate from someone you know. If you’re suspicious, seek confirmation from the sender that it’s genuine.
  2. Avoid clicking, opening or forwarding any attachments from people or companies you aren’t expecting attachments from.
  3. If you need to send or receive one of the file types (mentioned above), consider using a secure file transfer service.
  4. Ensure that your backups are checked regularly to guarantee they’re working as expected. If you notice any issues, ensure they are dealt with as a high priority.
  5. If you don’t take your backups off site, consider backing up to an external USB drive for added protection.
  6. Ensure all users within the organisation are educated on cyber security and made aware of what to look out for.


The longer it takes you to recover, the higher the cost to your business. If you’re concerned that backups aren’t in place, functioning correctly or if you’re unsure, contact us today.

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