Today is World Password Day.

To celebrate, here are some helpful tips to allow you to keep your passwords secure:

  • Do not share your password with anyone. Not even a friend or family member. You should also never send a password by email, instant message, or any other means of communication that is not reliably secure.
  • Do not use the same password for multiple websites. Use a unique password for each website. If someone steals a password that you use on multiple websites, all the information that password protects on all sites is at risk.
  • Use A Password Manager. To avoid having to memorise multiple passwords, consider using a password manager. The best password managers will automatically update stored passwords, keep them encrypted, and require multi-factor authentication for access.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. MFA is a security system that requires more than one way of identification before gaining access to an account. This usually involves a security code sent to your smartphone, security questions or even a fingerprint, in addition to your password. An extra barrier to block others accessing your sensitive online data? Yes please!
  • Change passwords immediately on accounts you suspect may have been compromised, or even if you just think the password has been compromised.
  • Avoid entering or saving your password on any device if you’re unsure whether that device is secure. Devices that are shared or available for public use might have keylogging software installed that could capture your password as you type it.


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