Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Electronic Signatures

Published: 17 January 2025


In the modern day and age, customers expect to be able to sign Quotes, Orders and Completed Work electronically. Automating the signature from the CRM will simplify the process for the users while storing the signed document back in the CRM where it is needed.

How do I do this?

There are various solutions Xperience can implement for you and will largely depend on 2 things

  • How automated/seamless you need it to be
  • How much you have to invest in the service

Electronic Signatures directly into the CRM

If you are visiting Customers in person, the simplest and easiest option is to add a field onto a form where the customer signs. Using a mobile device such as a tablet or even a touch screen laptop would be ideal for this.

To add this to your form, navigate to the Setting/Customisations area (you would need Customizer or System Admin security role for this) and open the form where you would like the signature to be placed.  You will need a suitable Multiline Text field on the table. Add this field to the form.

You then amend the properties of this field by adding a Pen Control

Save and publish your changes

Proprietary Solutions

With any of 3rd party proprietary solutions, you would have to set up an account with the authoriser which will take care of billing and give you a portal view into all documents sent and signed.

Dynamics 365 CRM can seamlessly integrate with 2 of the larger electronic signature solutions

  • Adobe Sign
  • DocuSign

This allows for, at a click of a button, your document to be sent, updates of the status and the completed signed document is then returned into the CRM. There is, however, a fair amount of development required to build this solution.

Panda Docs is an alternative solution which Xperience believe is a simple and affordable solution. A web window into the Panda Docs portal is displayed in the CRM form. Documents are composed, sent and status tracked in this window. Xperience use it to get customer NDA signatures.

All 3 solutions suggested here will be able to use templates which are populated with customer data at send. For instance, the Customer Name and Address, Quote Price etc.

Electronic Signatures CRM

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